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Biodiversity Management Committee

The Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) are statutory bodies that are formed by the 'local bodies' as per Section 41 of the Biological Diversity Act 2002, Rule 23 of the Meghalaya Biological Diversity Rules, 2010, and Biological Diversity Amendment Rules, 2015. In Meghalaya 94 BMCs have so far been constituted at the village level.

Role of BMCs

  • Documentation of local biodiversity in the form of PBR.
  • Protection of Traditional Knowledge recorded in PBR.
  • Conservation and sustainable utilization of biological resources.
  • Eco-restoration of the local biodiversity.
  • Proper feedback to the SBB in the matter of IPR, Traditional Knowledge and local biodiversity issues, wherever feasible and essential feedback to be provided to the NBA.
  • Management of Heritage Sites including Heritage Trees, Animals/Microorganisms etc. and sacred groves and sacred water bodies.
  • Regulation of access to the biological resources and/or associated Traditional knowledge, for commercial and research purposes.
  • Sharing of benefits arising out of commercial use of bio-resources.
  • Conservation of traditional varieties/Breeds of economically important plants/animals.
  • Biodiversity education and awareness building.
  • Development of bio-cultural protocols.
  • Sustainable Use and Benefit Sharing.

Notice Board
